ZomerExpo 2015 “Wild”

ZomerExpo 2015 “Wild”

11 July until  20 September 2015

Opening: 11 July 2015

Gemeente Museum, Den Haag

Stadhouderslaan 41

2517 HV Den Haag

This year there were a thousand entries for this year’s JubileeEdition ZomerExpo 2015 “Woest”.  Out of these 1000 works, 475 paintings  were selected to be hung and 22 sculptures to be placed in the Museum gardens of the Gemeente Museum in the Hague.

On May 18 2015, the jury pre-selections took place in Tilburg. My monoprint “North Yorkshire Moors” passed the selections immediately in order to be hung in the ZomerExpo 2015 at the Gemeente Museum from July 11 until  September 20, 2015.